This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
P Pitts 47
B Bough 40
W Wedgbury 31
<absent> 26
G Groves 24
P Phillips 24
L Lyons 22
H Harrison 13
B Bird 12
C Cowper 12
H Hemming 11
P Pickens 11
B Blackford 9
D Dyke 9
J Jones 8
B Browning 7
S Streets 7
S Stone 6
C Curnock 5
R Rice 5
Rose 5
Royle 5
B Blakeley 4
C Cooper 4
H Holbrook 4
J Johnson 4
P Perks 4
Perry 4
S Smith 4
W Warner 4
B Baker 3
Berridge 3
C Cole 3
D Davis 3
H Hodges 3
L Ledger 3
Lote 3
Lovekin 3
P Preece 3
R Rouse 3
Rowley 3
S Snape 3
B Bone 2
C Collet 2
D Denning-Kendall 2
F Fielder 2
H Herbert 2
K Kendall 2
M Moxham 2
P Parker 2
Penn 2
R Rogers 2
S Shone 2
T Tither 2
Travell 2
Truman 2
W Webb 2
Wilkinson 2
Y Young 2
A Anderton 1
Arens 1
B Bateman 1
Brown 1
D Darrall 1
Dee 1
Doris 1
E Earnshaw 1
Edgington 1
F Fellows 1
Field 1
Freeman 1
H Herrington 1
Hicklin 1
Hicks 1
Higgingbottom 1
Hindmarsh 1
Horton 1
I Ingham 1
L Leigh 1
Lippiat 1
M Mary 1
Meers 1
Morgan 1
P Parnam 1
Perkes 1
S Sailsbury 1
Spencer 1
V Villiers 1
W Ward 1
Watkins 1
Wheeler 1
Williams 1
Y Yates 1